Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I FINALLY managed to borrow the car from daddy for last Sunday morning.

Since chrys and I had to go school for the interview i thought it would be convenient to have a car :D

picked up chrys dropped my mum off at work and then we were on our way to sch


bingo we got lost. even with the stupid dam GPS on board.

1) i could have turned right out onto the main road straight but the gps told me to turn left then later asked me to perform a U-turn. GRRR

2) it asked me to turn into the expressway too late so i kinda missed it.

3) it asked me to turn into the tunnel too late too so i lane changed last minute erm kinda dangerously.

chrys and i were totally cursing and swearing at the gps. god.

then on the expressway chrys asked me to keep to the left lane and somehow we drove into this BUS ONLY lane =.=

But oh well we had fun! driving to school then to vivo city to grab superdog breakfast.

*thumbs up*


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