Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ok the jail is school.
cuz i was like stuck there for 3 whole days climbing up and down the stairs,
never going near any of the gates.

so happy to be home now...
even though i;m supposed to go sleep to make up for the
serious lack of sleep these few days.
*looks into the mirror*
GOSH.. dark circles!
and i think i will fall ill like SOON.
i just know it.
headache now but oh wells.

had fun with those co peeps..
love the juniors love those close friends.
enjoyed the bridging sessions and gossiping sessions
when it was supposed to be MUGGING time,

night trail was rather hilarious when me and jacq tried to
scare ppl with masu's baby doll...
had fun scaring people! woots

i think the intense trainings these few days
are rather useful!
at least i memorised the set piece(or so i thought)

*random injection: my hair is wet.

there are still some things in this camp which actually i rather not talk about.
BUT. since i need to wait for my hair to dry,
i might as well complain.

some people are really getting on my nerves.
especially MOST of the XX people
and a weirdo anyways.

xx people should do some self reflections
yes tts all i gonna say

and about weirdo is that.
you reached my limits so SHOO.
or else you are so DEAD.

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