Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I’m having too much suppers nowadays.

tsk tsk.

but its kinda fun being able to drive out with friends for a short supper then back home!


still must keep fit keep fit yo!

weekly exercise :D

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One of my yew tee gang mates bwahahahas


Mango snow ice at xing wang cafe

one of our suppers



this was taken when i was packing woopsie

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MY room now! YOOHOO

the drawer is supposed to be a nicer shade of red. but it turns out weirdly on pictures.


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SANGKHEM friends!


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Miss my njco peeps loads.

successful outing where everyone kept their promise and turned up in nj uniform.

WOOTS. strong spirit. :D



look at what my daddy handed me!

spare car keys.


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